
Art Prompt: Think of a stressor that you have been struggling to move past. Create an image of how that stressor has been affecting your life.

Materials: Watercolor, watercolor paper, watercolor brushes

This prompt encourages you to explore some of the areas that you have been stressed about recently. This may take some digging to find something, or one may pop up right away. There are even stressors that you “push away” or tell yourself they’re “not a big deal” - pull those out as well. Oftentimes, our subconscious stressors or ones we tell ourselves are not a big deal are actually causing us distress. Make a list of your stressors and choose one that has been the hardest for you to move on from or let go of. When you sit with that stressor, think about the ways that it has been impacting your life at this time. This stressor could be impacting your mood, ability to remain present or relationship with someone in particular - create an image that represents just that.

Oh, it took me no time to think of my stressor! I thought about how my stressor has felt to me over the last couple months and if I had to pair it with an image it would be a big black blob, seeping into multiple areas of my life. The black image came into my mind right away and I wanted it to spread across my painting. The colored sections within my image represent different areas of my life that have been special and exciting recently, but the black image represents how I’ve allowed that stressor to permeate into these special experiences. The black watercolor is somewhat controlled as it makes pathways through the colors, but in one area it seeps into a colored section. This encounter between the black and the colored paint was unintentional, but I embraced it because it further represented how the stressor has been impacting areas within my life.

Journal prompts for further exploration of the directive and/or image

  • What ways have you allowed this stressor to consume you?

  • What has been helpful in lessening the charge of that specific stressor? What is something you could add into your day to remain more present.

  • What is another stressor that you have been putting off thinking about? Why? Do you feel that it needs exploring or it is healthy where you have it?

  • Make a list of all of your stressors. Circle the ones that are important to you today. Cross out the ones that you don’t need to worry about at this time. Explore what you noticed within this exercise.


  1. I am vague in my description of my image for two reasons: A.) this is an example to help people see the progression and thought behind the process, B.) so that my image and description does not stifle your own creative exploration within this prompt.

  2. Do not overthink the art directive. Jump into creating with your first thought and allow the image to form itself. 

  3. Explore the artwork when you’re completed and see what you notice in your colors, method, imagery. Sometimes you’ll have new insights once you’re finished creating.

  4. Materials will be suggested, use whatever you have access to or materials you’d prefer. 

  5. Work as little or as long as you’d like. 

  6. Don’t create thinking of a product, focus solely on the process. This may not be something you’d like to hang on the wall and that is perfectly fine and often preferred 🙂

  7. You may not always be able to reflect on your image and understand what it means. Sometimes just simply engaging in the art process is therapeutic enough.

  8. While these directives are designed for deeper exploration of self, sometimes they may cause one to feel overwhelmed. These prompts should not replace therapy. If any of these prompts bring up unsafe emotions and you feel you are a danger to yourself or others, please call 911 or go to your nearest hospital.



