
Art Prompt: Create an image of a place that brings you the feeling of calmness and safety.

Materials: Watercolor, 4x4inch watercolor paper, paint brushes

Think of a place or environment where you are able to feel relaxation and calmness. A place where your anxiety or voices in your head silences. A place where you can feel present and grounded. This could be a room, a person, a feeling, a place or a view. Create your image and think about the way you’re feeling as you create and think about that special place.

In this image I created marshes on the bay. Growing up close to the bay and spending my life close to large bodies of water, I have always found that environment grounding. When I am in that place, I am able to be present and centered. I am able to disconnect from the stressors of life and connect with all of my senses. While creating my image, I forced myself to feel what that space brings up in me, how I feel it in my body and notice how I was able to relax while engaging in the art making process.

Journal prompts for further exploration of the directive and/or image

  • When was the last time that you visited the environment that you created? If it’s been a while, why?

  • What about this place makes your feel calm and safe? What does feeling calm and safe mean to you?

  • Do you need to create more time in your life to reflect in this space?


  1. I am vague in my description of my image for two reasons: A.) this is an example to help people see the progression and thought behind the process, B.) so that my image and description does not stifle your own creative exploration within this prompt.

  2. Do not overthink the art directive. Jump into creating with your first thought and allow the image to form itself. 

  3. Explore the artwork when you’re completed and see what you notice in your colors, method, imagery. Sometimes you’ll have new insights once you’re finished creating.

  4. Materials will be suggested, use whatever you have access to or materials you’d prefer. 

  5. Work as little or as long as you’d like. 

  6. Don’t create thinking of a product, focus solely on the process. This may not be something you’d like to hang on the wall and that is perfectly fine and often preferred 🙂

  7. You may not always be able to reflect on your image and understand what it means. Sometimes just simply engaging in the art process is therapeutic enough.

  8. While these directives are designed for deeper exploration of self, sometimes they may cause one to feel overwhelmed. These prompts should not replace therapy. If any of these prompts bring up unsafe emotions and you feel you are a danger to yourself or others, please call 911 or go to your nearest hospital.




Found Poetry